Whether you are an eJuror or an Attorney, we know that you care about your information. You care how your information is used and how your information is shared. We appreciate your trust in us to use your information carefully and sensibly. This page describes our privacy policy. By visiting eJury.com and participating as an eJuror or Attorney, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy.

Because the concerns of eJurors and Attorneys are sometimes very different, we have separated our policy into the following two sections.

Because the concerns of eJurors and Attorneys are sometimes very different, we have separated our policy into the following two sections.

During the sign-up process, we ask each eJuror to provide certain information about themselves. During the review of cases, we ask each eJuror participating in the case to provide certain information regarding their opinions about the case. The sign-up process and the review of cases are the only manners in which we ask for information from eJurors. We do not employ the use of "cookies" or any other "hidden" devices to obtain information from you without your knowledge. The following is a detailed explanation of the information we obtain and what we do with it.

Identity Verification Information: During the sign-up process, we will ask you to provide your name, your residential address, your driver's license number, your phone number, and the name of the person referring you. We receive and store this information for the purpose of identifying and verifying that each person who signs-up is the person they claim to be. We also use this information that you provide to issue and mail payment when cases are completed. We do not share this information with others, including the Attorneys.
Demographic Information: During the sign-up process, we will ask you to provide various demographic information, such as your year of birth, gender, race, marital status, occupation, spouse's occupation, number of children, etc. This is the same type of information jurors normally complete when performing actual jury service at most courts in the U.S. The information you provide here is shared with the submitting Attorneys. The Attorneys usually compare your demographic information with the verdict you render to identify trends or commonalities in the verdicts which will assist them later when picking a jury at the actual trial.
E-mail and Passwords: During the sign-up process, we will ask you to provide your e-mail address and a password. We keep and store your password in order to allow your access to the cases posted on our site. We keep and store your e-mail address to enable us to notify you when new cases are posted. We do not share this information with others, including the Attorneys. If you do not want to receive e-mail notifications from us, simply send an e-mail to remove@ejury.com and type "remove" in the subject line.
Case Answers: Each time you complete a case, you will be providing your answers to the Jury Questions (the same questions which would be used at the actual trial) as well as answers to the Personal Questions (drafted by the attorneys to get specific feedback) and your Additional Comments (a voluntary section were you can provide any information you want). We keep and store this information for the purpose of providing the submitting Attorneys with opinions and feedback, so this information is shared. Occasionally, we will also use this information in conjunction with sales (to show other attorneys the type of opinions and feedback they can expect). The case answers we share with Attorneys is also combined with the corresponding demographic information so attorneys can compare the answers, identify trends, etc., as explained above.
Payment Information: Each time you are issued payment for cases you have completed, we will keep and store that information. This simply allows us to track how much is being paid to whom. We do not share this information with others.

Terms & Conditions, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit eJury.com, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions. If you have any concern about privacy at eJury.com, please send us an e-mail explaining your concern in detail, and we will try to address it promptly. Our business changes constantly. This Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions will change also, and use of information that we gather now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. You should check our Web site frequently to see recent changes.

What information do we obtain from Attorneys and how do we use it?

Before a case is submitted, we ask each submitting Attorney to provide certain information about themselves. During the case submission process, we ask each submitting Attorney to provide certain information about their case. These are the only two instances in which we seek information from Attorneys. We do not employ the use of "cookies" or any other "hidden" devices to obtain information from you without your knowledge. The following is a detailed explanation of the information we obtain and what we do with it.

Identity Information: Before a case is submitted, we will ask you to provide your name, your business address, and your business phone number. We will also ask that you provide the actual names of the first-named plaintiff and first-named defendant in the case. We receive and store this information for the purpose of identifying you, communicating with you, and checking for potential conflicts. We do not share this information with others.
E-mail and Passwords: Before a case is submitted, we will ask you to provide your e-mail address and a password. We keep and store your password in order to allow you to access your case(s) posted on our site. We keep and store your e-mail address to enable us to communicate with you about your case. We do not share this information with others.
Case Information: When a case is submitted, you will be providing the facts about your case, the Jury Questions you intend to use at trial, and Personal Questions you draft to get specific feedback from the eJurors about your case. Obviously, this information is shared with the eJurors who have registered in the county which you have selected for submission. In addition to this information, we will obtain information from the eJurors about your case. This information consists of their demographic profile, their answers to the Jury Questions and Personal Questions, and any information they provide in the Additional Comments section. We keep and store this information, as well as certain statistical results, for the purpose of communicating with you about your case. We do not share this information with others without obtaining your consent in advance. For example, occasionally we will ask a submitting Attorney's consent for use of his/her case and results in subsequent sales presentations.
Confidentiality Policy: For additional information about the confidentiality of your information, please refer to our Confidentiality Policy.

Terms & Conditions, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit eJury.com, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions. If you have any concern about privacy at eJury.com, please feel free to call us or send us an e-mail explaining your concern in detail, and we will try to address it promptly. Our business changes constantly. This Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions will change also, and use of information that we gather now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. You should check our Web site frequently to see recent changes.